Saturday, October 1, 2016

40k Misread

There's already a bet of 3,500 from one player on a Kc Kc Kc Kc board and a call from Valerie Hanley.  David Lepiten (above) makes it 13,200 and Hanley is the only one to call.

The river is Kc and Hanley confidently calls out 20, putting 20 1k white chips out in front of her in one tall stack.

"How much is that," asks Lepiten. "Twenty Thousand," says Hanley.

Lepiten holds three 5k chips in his hand, thinks through the hand a few times, grabs 5 white 1k's and makes the call.

Hanley tables a black J and a black 7, while Lepiten turns over Kc Kc and the dealer starts to slide the chips to Lepiten.

"Hold on, I have a flush," says Hanley.

She was holding Kc Kc, she misread her hand, believing she was holding Kc Kc  for a made flush. Rather, she has two pair and lost the hand.

David Lepiten - 105,000
Valerie Hanley - 70,000

To add to the troubles, Valerie's husband, Dick, busted on the very next hand from the table behind Valerie...

There was a LevelUp as I wrote this, so action is now at

Level - 12
Blinds - 800/1600
Antes - 200
Entries - 35

Dan Ross -

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