Sunday, October 26, 2014

Big Laydown, Bigger Pot

We show up on the turn to see the board showing 7♠A♣6♥8♥ and what appears to be right at 200,000 chips already in the pot.

Billy Casey is standing up and the dealer is counting out his stack as he has announced he is all in, the count is 97,000 and Billy is talking to Dan Schneider.

Schneider has about 250,000 behind and contemplating the call.

"All in, I show either way," says Casey with a huge smile on his face as he sits back down, "how much more fair can I be than that."

"Show me the bluff," Schneider says as he folds after a nearly 4-minute tank.

"It ain't no bluff, no bluff," says Casey as he tables 9♣T♠ for the nut straight.

"wooooooow," says Schneider as he stands up. "I did NOT put you on an Ace and I had you crushed preflop."

Schneider walks over to me and says he laid down KK there.

Casey moves to about 300,000 and a top-5 stack.

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