Sunday, October 26, 2014

Chips For Dah Tank

On a flop of T87, Jim 'Yuma' Zheng moves all in and gets called by Hank 'Dah Tank' Czarnecki

Zheng shows he needs help as he shows 67 for bottom pair and a gutshot straight draw, while Czarnecki made the hard call holding top pair with a K kicker

The board ran out J3 and Zheng is out in 37th palce, Czarnecki moving to about 150,000 chips.

Shortly after we lost Sargon Shiba in 36th. Shiba fell all the way down to 4200 chips, moved back to nearly 70,000 and then saw his chips go away.

There is a full 4-table redraw taking place now for the final 36 players.

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