Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cooper Takes HU Title

All the chips get in the middle preflop, and Michael Cooper barely has Aaron Schoch covered.

Schoch shows T♥T♣ and Cooper has 4♦4♣.

The flop of 6♠J♣5♦ has Schoch well in front, while Cooper has a backdoor straight draw.

"Oooh," says Poker room Manager Mike Nelson as the 3♣ hits the turn, giving Cooper an open-ended draw.

A hard fist-punch in the air comes from Cooper as the 2♦ falls on the rivers, completing the straight and giving Cooper the win, 2 games to 1 over Schoch to claim the Heads Up title and the $8,000 first prize.

Schoch collects $5,000 for the runner-up finish. Schoch also moves into second place in the All-Around Player Championship race.

A railbird (we won't use Mitchell Cogert's name) said Cooper picked up a book on playing Heads Up before this event.

Michael Cooper says this is called "the suckout look," after taking down the Heads Up Championship.

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