Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heads Up Third Round Matchups

Here are the third round matchups in the $550 Heads-up tournament. All matches start at 6pm

First Bracket

Aaron Schoch v. Dustin Iannotti
Dustin Fox v. Joe Nelligan  .. NELLIGAN wins

For Fourth Round Noon Thursday
Schoch v. Nelligan

Second Bracket

Alan Mastic v. Danielle Anderson .. MASTIC wins
Jed Hoffman v. Shaun Daniels .. HOFFMAN wins

For Fourth Round Noon Thursday
Jed Hoffman v. Alan Mastic

Third Bracket

Ubaid Habib v. Mike Postle ... HABIB wins
Jodi Lee v. Steve Foutty ... LEE wins

For Fourth Round Noon Thursday
Habib v Lee

Fourth Bracket

Eric Smith v. Glenn Uchibori .. UCHIUBORI wins
Adam Bishop v. Michael Cooper .. COOPER wins

For Fourth Round Noon Thursday
Uchibori v. Cooper

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