Sunday, October 26, 2014

Somerville, GIlbert Eliminated from Main Event

We make it over to the Secondary Table to see three players all in preflop.

Zak Gilbert has moved in with 66, and Steve Brecher next to him is all in with A♦T♦, while to Brecher's right is Steve Foutty who calls both all ins and shows KK.

The board comes out 4♠A♣7♠9♣4♦, giving Brecher almost a full triple up as he had 141,000 behind and Gilbert had about 90,000.

As that hand was wrapping up, Jason Somerville moved all-in holding 99 and was called by the AK of Billy Casey.

The board ran out A23K8 and Somerville was eliminated.

Both Somerville and Gilbert cash for $2,130.


  1. Either you mixed up Gilbert's and Brecher's hole cards, or the board is wrong.

  2. thanks, that was supposed to be 4A7 flop, corrected now
