Friday, October 17, 2014

That's How you Close it Out

So, you're heads-up for a tournament title, your opponent rivers trips, but it just doesn't matter ...
Because you are Pablo @pabogpoker Gutierrez and you turned a straight flush.

Gutierrez holds 7♣9♣ against Peppermill Poker Room regular Eric Nelson's A8 and the flop goes 8♣T♣7♥.
Gutierrez leads out on the flop, the shorter-stacked Nelson shoves and Gutierrez snap-calls with the open-ended straight flush draw.
The 6♣ turn made one great way to close out the opening event of the Poker NV Fall Challenge.

Just to round things out, the 8♦ river was trips for Nelson.

Pablo Gutierrez, Winner, Event 1, Poker NV Fall Challenge

This is what a turned Straight Flush ... FTW .. looks like

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