Sunday, May 24, 2015

Another Tilt for Neil

Neil Blumenfield has been on his own personal emotional roller coaster today, going on tilt more than once because his hands did not hold up, and he's done it again here with 19 players remaining.

The flop is Q♥8♥Xx and he calls the 63,000 all in of Andrez Lopez.

Lopez is holding K♥T♥ for a flush draw while Blumenfield's Q4 got ther and he flopped trips.

The J♥ gives Lopez the flush and the double-up when the board fails to pair on the river.

Blumenfield cannot believe he lost a hand where he started out with Q4 off, and a few hands later is still shaking and mumbling to himself.

Lopez moves to 164,000, Blumenfield slides to 90,000

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