Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rapid-Fire Bustouts

We're back from dinner break and fast than we could type them out we've lost four more players from the final table, putting us at 5 remaining.

Andres Lopez has just been eliminated in 6th place by Dick Hanley, cashing for $7,128.

As we're trying to get you caught up, here's who headed to the rail with cash-in-hand

Wait. hold on, now Dick Hanley gets Aaron Schoch in 5th place, with Aaron cashing for $9,144. Slow down, folks, we need to get caught up!

9th - Shawn Daniels - $2,880 - a few brutal beats, finished off with KK <AJ when the board runs out JJ.
8th - Jeff Newman - $4,176
7th - Martin Barron - $5,600

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