Sunday, May 24, 2015

You Gotta Check This Out

Elvis Perez limps for 2,000 and Shawn Daniels makes it 6,200. It folds back around to Perez who then makes it 16,000, sending Daniels into a mini-tank and some friendly bantering goes on between the two before Daniels makes the call.

The flop comes out 2♥Q♦3♥ and both players check, only to see a 4♥ come on the turn, adding quite a few draws.

Perez leads out for 27,000 and Daniels hesitates, then calls.

The K♥ is peeled off on the river, the fourth heart, and Perez checks, talking a bit to Daniels as he does.

Daniels fires out another 27,000, sending Perez into the tank.

"Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, what did you hit there," said Perez, as he pauses for about 45 seconds, then he mucks face up A♣A♠.

Daniels shows 9♣9♠ and takes the pot, moving to about 225,000 as Perez slides back to 142.000.

"That is by far the weirdest pot I have seen all tournament," said chipleader Dustin Fox from the 7 seat.

"I put him on Jacks because he limped," said Daniels.

"I put him on aces," said Fox.

"That's why you are so much ***ing better than I am," said Daniels as both laugh.

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