Saturday, October 1, 2016

Check 3 Times

Valerie Hanley limps, two players to her left join in, as does short-stack Billy Casey from the button and Dave Stamm from the BB.

Stamm check-calls the 1200 bet from Hanley on the  Kc Kc Kc flop, while everyone else gets out of the way.
The turn is Kc and Stamm again check-calls Hanley's bet, this time a 2300 bet and it took quite a bit longer for to make the call

River Kc, a third check from Stamm, a third bet from Hanley, 4500 this time, and an even-longer pause before finds a call

Hanley shrugs and turns over Kc Kc for two pair.
Stamm shows Kc Kc for a busted flush draw that ended up being a rivered better two pair.

Valerie Hanley - 60,000
Dave Stamm - 44,000

Level - 7
Blinds - 200/400
Antes - 50
Entries - 78

Dan Ross -

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