Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heads-Up Second-Round Matchups

Here are the second round matchups in the $550 Heads-up tournament

First Bracket

Eric Nelson v. Aaron Schoch   ... NELSON wins
Dustin Iannotti v. Dee Timmons  ... IANNOTTI wins

Dustin Fox v. Shawn Van Asdale .. FOX wins
Joe Pickrel v. Joe Nelligan ... NELLIGAN wins

For third round at 6pm Wednesday
Aaron Schoch v. Dustin Iannotti
Dustin Fox v. Joe Nelligan

Second Bracket

Alan Mastic v. Margaret Marshall .. MASTIC wins
Danielle Anderson v. Lance Donnell .. ANDERSON wins

Jed Hoffman v. Zak Gilbert .. HOFFMAN wins
Stuart Spear v. Shawn Daniels .. DANIELS wins

For third round at 6pm Wednesday
Mastic v. Anderson
Hoffman v. Daniels

Third Bracket

Frank Parreira v. Ubaid Habib .. HABIB wins
Marty Gorenc v. Mike Postle .. POSTLE wins

Jodi Lee v. Andrew Christie .. LEE wins
Christopher Schultze v. Stephen Foutty .. FOUTTY wins

For Third Round at 6pm Wednesday
Habib v. Postle
Lee v. Foutty

Fourth Bracket

Mitchell Cogert v. Eric Smith .. SMITH wins
Paul Sterling v. Glenn Uchibori .. UCHIBORI wins

Pablo Gutierrez v. Adam Bishop  ... BISHOP wins
Matthieu Lum v. Michael Cooper .. COOPER wins

For Third Round at 6pm Wednesday
Smith v. Uchibori
Bishop v. Cooper

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