Sunday, October 2, 2016

Cooper First to Cash

Blind v Blind Violence over at Table 20 as @RenoGrinder Adam Bishop reraises a middle position bet, and Michael Cooper moves all in for about half of Bishop's stack. Bishop hesitates a bit, and makes the call to put Cooper at risk for his last 110,000.

Cooper - Kc Kc
Bishop - Kc Kc

The race is on, and Bishop celebrates the Kc Kc Kc flop, and ups the volume a bit when the turn is Kc.

"I took away one of his outs, he's down to one out," say Bishop. "Don't so it to me (dealer)."

The river is Kc and Cooper is the first player to bust once in the money today.

Adam Bishop - 335,000
Michael Cooper - 18th Place - $760

Levels are 40-minutes long now, and there's been a LevelUp since I started to write this, so action is now at

Level - 19
Blinds - 4000/8000
Antes - 1000
Players - 17

Dan Ross -

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