Poker NV Fall Challenge All-Around Player Standings

Here are the Overall Results for the top 10 finishers in The Poker NV Fall Challenge All Around Player Championships .

Place Name City Points Cash
1 Aaron Schoch   Reno, NV     746 $6,000
2 Zak Gilbert Reno, NV 673.5 $4,000
3 Glen Uchibori Honolulu, HI    577 $2,500
4 Dee Timmons Lathrop, CA   559 $2,000
5 Arlyn Moore Sun Valley,  NV 534 $1,500
6 Abel Chadinha     San Jose, CA     529 $1,500
7 Marty Gorenc Port Orange, FL  512 $1,000
8 Deborah Swift   Hereford, AZ 498 $1,000
9 Michael Postle Rancho Cordova, CA  482 $1,000
10 Daniel Schneider Sparks, NV 470 $535


  1. Just checking for updated points totals

  2. about 90 minutes away, Aaron 2nd by 2-3 points, about 50-60 behind leader
