Monday, October 27, 2014

Ivan Holmes - 5th Place

Ivan Holmes makes it 45,000 from the cutoff and Steve Brecher, in the big blind, has a look on his face as though he doesn't believe the raise is one indicating a very big hand from Holmes, and he makes the call.

The flop is 4♣6♣7 and Brecher checks.

Holmes tosses out 25,000 in chips as he announces all in, and Brecher insta-calls.

Brecher has flopped top two pair with his 6♥7♥, while Holmes caught top pair and a flush draw with his Q♣7♣.

The turn is a J♦ and the river is a blank, and Holmes, chipleader for much of the final table, is eliminated in 5th place, cashing for $11,540.

We are 17 minutes from break, we'll have updated chipcounts for you on break.

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