Sunday, October 26, 2014

Rich Le Bleu - 6th Place

Steve Foutty makes it 40,000 from the cutoff and both blinds, Rich Le Bleu and Jerry Morrell, come along.

The flop is 6♥4♥A♠ and the blinds check to Foutty, who leads out for 62,000.

Le Bleu moves all in for 252,000 and Morrel gets out of the way.

Foutty hears the count and insta-calls, tabling A♣9♣, while Le Bleu showing Q♥J♥

The board runs out J♣ -xx and Foutty knocks Le Bleu out in 6th place.
Le Bleu collects $8,900 and Foutty moves to roughly 1 milly

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